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Image by cyril mazarin


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15-25 October 2025

Paris, France

Tour Brochure
Coming Soon

Develop your writing, forge new friendships and renew your creativity during this 10-day intensive retreat in Paris, led by Patti Miller.


Be one of a small group to have daily writing workshops and individual consultations with Australia’s most successful and experienced memoir writing mentor, Patti Miller. Each morning you will devote time to your writing project and develop long-lasting relationships with other writers, while the afternoons are left free for you to immerse yourself in the city that inspired history’s greatest revolutionaries, poets, writers and artists. 


The value of this writers retreat is unparalleled – not only will you work on your manuscripts with expert instruction on structure and form, but you will experience an insider's guide to Paris. Thanks to our local tour guide, you will be writing and living in one of the world’s most fascinating cities.lifetime.


Patti Miller is the author of ten books, including six memoir/creative non-fiction works.


Patti has also helped sixty other writers turn their life stories into successful commercially published books. These include Caroline Baum’s Only, Vicki Laveau-Harvie’s The Erratics,  Jessica Rowe’s Is This My Beautiful Life, Betty O’Neill’s The Other Side of Absence, Simon Kennedy’s 9/11 And The Art of Happiness and Christine Sykes’ Gough and Me .


We met up with Patti Miller to discuss her work and her involvement with Better Read Literary Tours. Read the interview.



  • Writing course with author, Patti Miller, Australia’s most experienced and successful memoir writing mentor

  • An intensive literary immersion in the city devoted to the arts and joie de vivre.

  • The delights of Paris in autumn, the traditional season of memory and reflection.

  • Your own exploration of the cultural richness – architecture, music, painting, fashion and history – of Paris

  • Live the life of a writer in your own light-filled, well-equipped, individual studio in the centre of Paris.

  • A unique taste of Paris with a literary focus.

  • An adventure where you can develop your writing, forge friendships and renew your creativity.



Tour Brochure - Coming Soon



Imagine yourself writing in Paris, the city made for and by writers, revolutionaries, poets, philosophers, painters – the city of imagination, memory and art.

The cafés buzz with discussion, the sun is shining and leaves are jewel red. Your heart and mind sing with the richness of history, beauty and pleasure as you step out of your own studio each morning on the way to writing class with like–minded travellers. In the afternoon you discuss your own writing individually with Patti, or explore the wonders of Paris, or meet with your friends in a local café.

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